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Unlock the wild world of mammals, now in English and Spanish!


Fuzzy, scaly, clawed, and finned—mammals can be found in the depths of the ocean and the heights of the mountains. Mammals Unlocked / Mamíferos descubiertos illuminates the vastness of the mammal world in a simple, interactive question-and-answer format.


How wide can a hippo open its mouth? When does a camel need water? How does a platypus fight? Read the answers to all these secrets and more!


This first bilingual book in the Open Earth series is a dynamic introduction to class Mammalia, perfect for any kid who’s fascinated by mammals big and small. Discover all the facts you need in order to wow your friends, impress your teachers, and dazzle your dog! Mammals Unlocked / Mamíferos descubiertos is sure to stimulate and challenge even the most knowledgeable animal lover.

Mammals Unlocked / Mamíferos descubiertos

SKU: 978-1-958629-30-7
  • Product type

    Hardback, Paperback

    Pages 256

    Hardback: 978-1-958629-30-7

    Paperback: 978-1-958629-15-4

    eBook: 978-1-958629-16-1

    Dimensions 6" x 9"
    Age Range


    Grade Range 3-7
    Language Bilingual English/Spanish
    Publication Date March 2024
  • "If you love animal facts and/or a format perfect for trivia nights, this is the book for you. The fact that it's also bilingual is a big plus. Even as an adult who finds a lot of joy in learning animal facts, I still learned quite a bit from this book! Kids will get a kick out of asking other people these questions (or competing with each other to see who gets it right).... What an excellent way to get people more interested in conservation. I simply love it!"


    —Charessa, Goodreads reviewer



    "Find all of what you didn’t know about mammals in this engaging and thought provoking new series. The chapters take you around the world visiting many of the over 6,400 mammal species.... Mammals Unlocked  is perfect for upper elementary and beyond. The level of curiosity is enhanced with each fact unlocked. A great gift for this upcoming holiday season."

    —Always In the Middle, Middle Grade Book Reviews



    "★★★★★ In this cleverly outlined book featuring attractive black and white sketches of the diverse assortment of animals, each page illustrates a unique mammal with an associated question.... This resource, with its engaging questions and introduction to diverse mammalian members followed by its clearly explained answers, provides an arousing and intriguing introduction to basic science and an awareness of the adaptations nature provides for the survival of the species."

    —Manhattan Book Review

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