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NIST Summer Institute: Scaling Up SI Education

Updated: Jul 31

On July 11th, Science Naturally teamed up with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for an exciting collaboration at the NIST Summer Institute—an innovative workshop tailored specifically for middle school science educators. A s a leader in the U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST drives advancements in measurement science, standards, and technology, essential for fostering innovation and industrial progress.

Science Naturally's owner, Dia L. Michels, introducing "Talking Science"

This two-week summer institute stands out from traditional educator gatherings by offering a dynamic environment filled with cutting-edge teaching methods designed to spark curiosity and engage young minds. Science Naturally took center stage with a compelling presentation on the International System of Units (SI), featuring their renowned books Mole and Tell and Talking Science. These resources are meticulously crafted to introduce elementary students to the complexities of SI in ways that are both entertaining and enlightening.

In many U.S. classrooms, we measure in feet and Fahrenheit, but in the wider world of science, it's all about SI units. Ever wondered what a "mole" really means beyond the cute animal? Mole and Tell  dives into chemistry, making this abstract concept easy for kids to understand. It's not just about furry creatures! Then there's Talking Science, where SI units become clear through fun examples—imagine a meter being as "wide as a cozy hug." These approaches not only teach but also spark curiosity about the amazing world of measurements and molecules.

The workshop was abuzz with interactive activities, including games, thought-provoking videos, and even a cookie recipe measured in moles, all tailored to resonate with the boundless energy and curiosity of middle school students. Educators left feeling inspired, eager to integrate these innovative teaching techniques into their upcoming lesson plans.

Reflecting on the impact of early SI education, Katie Brooks from Kanapaha Middle School emphasized its importance, stating, "Most careers, from nursing to technical fields, heavily rely on the metric system." Introducing SI concepts early equips students with a global perspective and prepares them for diverse career paths. Richard J. Boyle, a 6th grade science teacher from Arlington County, echoed this sentiment, noting, “You can’t do anything in chemistry without moles.”

Michels discussing why SI is important to teach

Science Naturally extends sincere gratitude to NIST and Kara Robinson for the opportunity to promote SI education at this pivotal event. This collaboration not only showcased the excellence of Mole and Tell  and Talking Science but also highlighted a wealth of other invaluable science resources for classrooms, including many of their teachers' guides, which can be found here.

Looking ahead, Science Naturally eagerly anticipates sharing their upcoming releases and insights at future conferences.

Teachers browsing through the treasures given to them; including books, activity sheets, and more!

For middle school science educators seeking more engaging teaching tools and resources, explore Science Naturally's world of educational wonders at

And if you're eager to participate in the excitement of future NIST Summer Institutes, all the details await you


Wanna buy the books mentioned for yourself? Click below!

"...Will help young learners clearly visualize each base unit from the International System

of measurement. Excellent addition to any school library’s 500 Dewey section."


Goodreads reviewer, Melanie Dulaney

"I absolutely can see a 5th grade science teacher featuring this book every October.

A fun way to introduce children to more science."

LibraryThing Early Reviewers

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4 commentaires

Arrington Michael
Arrington Michael
22 août

The collaboration between NIST and Science Naturally not only highlighted the value of Mole and Tell and Talking Science but also Papa's Pizzeria introduced a wealth of other science resources, further supporting the advancement of science education in classrooms across the country.


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su xeko
13 août

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Tutitu Rechanic
Tutitu Rechanic
31 juil.

The program was full with engaging activities that stimulated the boundless enthusiasm and insatiable curiosity of the high school pupils geometry dash


Ann Green
Ann Green
30 juil.

The workshop was jam-packed with interactive exercises that catered to the endless energy and curiosity of high school students eager to integrate these cutting-edge teaching techniques into their upcoming lesson plans. These included games, thought-provoking videos, and even a recipe for cookies.

happy wheels

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