The First Book Marketplace makes quality books available to organizations that serve families in need.
The First Book Marketplace offers educators and program leaders new titles at 50-90 percent off retail price for kids from birth to 18, including award winning and culturally inclusive books, teacher resources, and other educational products.
Platypus Media is honored to be a part of this wonderful program. Many of our books are for sale on the First Book Marketplace at a steep discount for qualifying buyers:
Book Sets (English)
101 Things About Science and Math Collection (10 paperbacks); $56.83
101 Things Everyone Should Know About Science! (5 copies)
101 Things Everyone Should Know About Math! (5 copies)
Math Madness Collection (10 paperbacks); $56.83
101 Things Everyone Should Know About Math! (5 copies)
65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Math! (5 copies)
Science Explorations Collection (10 paperbacks); $56.83
101 Things Everyone Should Know About Science! (2 copies)
65 Short Mysteries You Solve with Science! (2 copies)
65 MORE Short Mysteries You Solve With Science! (2 copies)
Leonardo da Vinci Gets a Do-Over! (2 copies)
Ghost in the Water (2 copies)
Science and Math Mysteries Collection (9 paperbacks); $51.14
65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Math! (3 copies)
65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Science! (3 copies)
65 MORE Short Mysteries You Solve With Science! (3 copies)
Nurtured and Nuzzled Collection (10 paperbacks); $46.33
Cuddled and Carried (5 copies)
Babies Nurse (5 copies)
Animals and Habitats (28 paperbacks); $152.71
This Is the Sun (7 copies)
This Is How I Grow (7 copies)
Look Up to See What the Weather Will Be (7 copies)
If My Mom Were a Platypus (7 copies)
Book Sets
(Spanish & Spanish/English Bilingual)
Bilingual Science and Math Mysteries Book Collection (10 paperbacks); $56.83
Short Mysteries You Solve With Math! / ¡Misterios cortos que resuelves con matemáticas! (5 copies)
More Short Mysteries You Solve With Science! / Misterios de un minuto:
¡Más misterios cortos que resuelves con ciencias! (5 copies)
Nurtured and Nuzzled Bilingual Collection (10 paperbacks); $46.33
Cuddled and Carried / Consentido y cargado (5 copies)
Babies Nurse / Así se alimentan los bebés (5 copies)
Las mujeres en CTIM (Women in STEM Spanish Collection), (30 paperbacks); $158.82
Las mujeres en la biología (Women in Biology), (5 copies)
Las mujeres en la química (Women in Chemistry), (5 copies)
Las mujeres en la física (Women in Physics), (5 copies)
Las mujeres en la ingeniería (Women in Engineering), (5 copies)
Las mujeres en la medicina (Women in Medicine), (5 copies)
Las mujeres en la botánica (Women in Botany), (5 copies)
Animales y sus hábitats (Animals and Habitats Spanish Collection), (28 paperbacks); $152.71
Este es el Sol (This Is the Sun), (7 copies)
Así crezco (This Is How I Grow), (7 copies)
Mira hacia el cielo y verás cómo el tiempo estará (Look Up to See What the Weather Will Be), (7 copies)
Si mi mamá fuera un ornitorrinco (If My Mom Were a Platypus) (7 copies)
Single Title Book Sets
(Multiple Languages)
If My Mom Were a Platypus Collection (paperback); $85.24
If My Mom Were a Platypus (15 copies)
If My Mom Were a Platypus Spanish Collection (paperback); $85.24
Si mi mamá fuera un ornitorrinco: Los bebés mamíferos y sus madres (15 copies)
Cuddled and Carried / আদরে ও আলিঙ্গরে English/Bengali bilingual Collection (paperback); $120.30
Cuddled and Carried / আদরে ও আলিঙ্গরে (30 copies)
Cuddled and Carried / Karese'm epi pote'm (30 copies)
Spheres All Year / Las esferas todo el año English/Spanish bilingual collection (paperback); $158.70
Spheres All Year / Las esferas todo el año (30 copies)
This Is the Sun / Este es el Sol (30 copies)

Looking for titles not yet available on the Marketplace? We're happy to offer discount pricing for customers who are First Book eligible. Contact Ali.Trujillo@PlatypusMedia.com.